What's the 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan crankshaft position sensor location?
DODGE > GRAND CARAVAN 269 Views 1 Answer
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Ron JudsonJuly 20,2022
The 2009 Dodge Grand Caravan driving rod position sensor area is different on various makes and models,in any case,it will continuously be close to the driving rod itself. In the event that You really want to supplant the sensor,it will cost You somewhere in the range of 190 and 300 bucks,in addition to another 200 for the work of having it introduced. The sensor is responsible for ensuring the driving rod is turning at the right speed. In the event that the shaft isn't working right You will see numerous likely issues,including slowing down,shaking,harsh speed increase,and the check motor light coming on. This is on the grounds that the planning of the motor isn't right and it is terminating severely. Notwithstanding the quick issues,You will likewise be overburdening the motor,which in time can prompt significantly more harm and expenses.
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