What's the 2009 Dodge Journey speed sensor location?
DODGE > JOURNEY528 Views1 Answer
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JuliaJuly 20,2022
The 2009 Dodge Journey speed sensor is situated at the transmission yield shaft. The speed sensor is liable for chatting with the CPU and detailing the times the shaft pivots,which converts into the speed of the vehicle. At the point when it does this the transmission thusly will actually want to change gears as needs be. In the event that the sensor isn't working then the transmission won't have any desire to move on time,will be unpleasant when it moves,or may not move by any means. Another speed sensor is around 20 to 40 bucks,so in the event that it turns sour it isn't to brought to fix. It cant be let be however,as You will kill Your transmission without it working right.
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