What's the 2010 Toyota Camry camshaft position sensor location?
TOYOTA > CAMRY 371 Views 1 Answer
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July 23,2022
The 2010 Toyota Camry camshaft position sensor (CMP) can be found on the right half of the motor under the power controlling siphon. The sensor is arranged at or beneath the valve front of the chamber head fixing line on the belt side of the motor. The CMP comprises of a magnet and an iron center that is canvassed in copper wire and fixed on the chamber head. This information is then shipped off the powertrain control module to be utilized with the fuel injector and the start control framework to choose how much fuELRequired to be infused for burning and power. A portion of the markers You really want to check for in the event that You find You have a deficient sensor are the motor light on</br> issues beginning the vehicle or no beginning</br> and the vehicle jolting or flood forward while speeding up.
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