Where is the barometric pressure sensor chevy cruze location on the ?
CHEVROLET > CRUZE 516 Views 1 Answer
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July 23,2022
The Chevy Cruze's MAP or Barometric strain sensor ought to be situated behind and on the admission complex which sits underneath the choke body. Open the hood and look toward the focal point of the cove. You will see the Cruze's motor. Behind the motor will sit a prolonged metal gathering under a more modest metal unit joined to tubing. This is the admission complex and the sensor is stopped or screwed into the rear of the unit. Confronting the motor</br> You'll likewise see on its left side the Cruze's dark air channel box. The MAF or mass wind current sensor is connected here where an enormous cylinder enters the engine. The MAF peruses the temperature of the air before it arrives at the ignition chamber.
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